Friday 18 November 2011

Act 3: Benvolio

Today was a bad day for both the Montague and Capulet families. We both lost valuable members of our familes. First my family lost Mercutio becuase he was killed by Tybalt in a brutal fight. Our whole family felt the loss. He got stabbed when Romeo stepped in to stop the fight. Tybalt stabbed Mercutio under Romeo's arm. Romeo was shocked by this event so he went after Tybalt. Those two then got into a huge fight and the resutl was Romeo killing Tybalt with a brutal stab to the chest. Price said, "Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio." It was horific! Romeo was then bannished from the city, "and for that offenece, immediately we do eile him hence," the prince said. Juliet will be absolutely devastated when she heres the news. "O serpent heart hid with a flowering face! did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! Dove-feathered raven, wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show, just opposite to what thou justly seem'st. A damned saint, an honourable villain! O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell when thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend in moral paradie of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? Oh, that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous place, Juliet said." Everyone will deeply miss both Mercutio and Romeo.


  1. Why didn't you back me up you pink flower

  2. I cannot believe this day ended the way it did Benvolio! It may not even be the end! More problems are forecasted to come my way. If I am banished, they'll have to remove me. I refuse to leave you and Juliet.

  3. You fat-kidneyed man, it's your fault that Tybalt is dead.

  4. I will be beslubbering over the loss of one of our brothers for some time to come. Darn thy cockered clapper-clawed capulets!

    -Lord Montague.

  5. My poor Tybalt deserved no such death

  6. Benvolio my enemy's cousin ive found out that you were involved in Tybalt's death if this is true i will have banished like Romeo........ or dead!
