Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2:

After the party ended we caught Romeo trying to escape from us! We where shocked that he would try to leave us! Mercrutio tried to lure Romeo in by calling Rosalina's name. I convinced Mercrutio that there would be no point in looking for Romeo he is hidden because he does not want to be found.  Mercrutio and I where very suprised to find that Romeo still had not returned from last nights party.  He was not at his fathers house either. We waited for a bit in the morning and soon enough he just showed up like nothing happend. He acted like he had such important business to attend, but to Mercrutio and I it seemed like he gave us the slip!


  1. Benvolio you Montague, I have no respect for your cousin Romeo if I see him he will die. You Montague's are so careless..

  2. Benvolio, don't worry about what Paris said. You have friends, he doesn't.
