Monday 7 November 2011

Act 1: Benvolio

Wow what a great day! Today I started my day by trying to break up a brawl in the streets. It was between the us and the Capulets. It only lead to me getting in a little tilt with a Capuet named Tybat. The fight was then ended by the Prince threatening anyone who continued to fight will be punished with their lives. I then proceeded to meet with Lady Montague and Montague. They spoke of Romeo's sadness and asked me to seek it out. I met with romeo and he told me of how he loves this girl but she doesnt love him back. I tried to convince Romeo that there is more girls out there than just her. And to try and keep his mind of her. Peter invited Romeo and I to his masters house, where I convinced Romeo that standing next to the most beautiful girls in Verona the girl ghe loves so much will look ugly. Romeo and I snuck into the party disguised as maskers. I told Romeo as we were going in I hope your night goes better tham your morning. <3


  1. I like how he talked about getting Romeo to be happy.

  2. I applaud your efforts to break up the brawl, but you Montagues should know better than to sneak into parties that you had no right to attend.

  3. I heard that you not only started the brawl this morning but also snuck into the Capulet's Party. If I find out this is true I will find you and it will make your day a really really bad day..

  4. Thanksd for coming to the party with me and Romeo, lets hope he is feeling better tomorrow.

  5. My night was perfect! thank you so much for forcing me into it! You are a great friend
