Tuesday 29 November 2011

Act 5: Benvolio

Montague's and the Capulets resolve their problems:
My wish is to have complete peace between the two families. I hate this confrontation and I would like to see everyone get along. The fight between us and the Capulets has been going on for as long as I can remember and it's time to end. It would have made things between Romeo and Juliet alot easier.

I am Benvolio, I am Romeo's cousin and best friend. I helped supporting Romeo and the entire family during hard times. Without my help Romeo may have never met Juliet and they would have never fallen in love. Romeo and Juliet may have still been alive if i wasn't in the play. I helped encourage Romeo to sneak into the Capulet party. Without my motivation he may never have entered the party.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Act 4: Interview Benvolio

Dean Pickup: Hello my name is Dean Pickup and i will be interviewing you today.
Dean PIckup: How were your feelings towards Mercutio's death?
Benvolio: It has put everyone into shock and the family isn't the same.
Dean Pickup: What was your first reaction?
Benvolio: At first i had no response and couldn't believe it. I later became somewhat depressed and really missed Mercutio.
D: Did you think that the fight would have escaladed to someone dieing?
B: No, at first i thought that they were just small scrap with no serious injury.
D: Are you aware of Juliets situation?
B: I've only been told that she was found dead this morning.
D: How do you feel about this?
B: I'm extremely sad and at this point im just hoping that it isn't true.
D: As Romeo's good friend, what are you going to do to help him get through this?
B: I have to stay supportive and make sure he doesn't do anything he will regret.
D: Thank you for time.
B: My pleasure.

Friday 18 November 2011

Act 3: Benvolio

Today was a bad day for both the Montague and Capulet families. We both lost valuable members of our familes. First my family lost Mercutio becuase he was killed by Tybalt in a brutal fight. Our whole family felt the loss. He got stabbed when Romeo stepped in to stop the fight. Tybalt stabbed Mercutio under Romeo's arm. Romeo was shocked by this event so he went after Tybalt. Those two then got into a huge fight and the resutl was Romeo killing Tybalt with a brutal stab to the chest. Price said, "Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio." It was horific! Romeo was then bannished from the city, "and for that offenece, immediately we do eile him hence," the prince said. Juliet will be absolutely devastated when she heres the news. "O serpent heart hid with a flowering face! did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! Dove-feathered raven, wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show, just opposite to what thou justly seem'st. A damned saint, an honourable villain! O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell when thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend in moral paradie of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? Oh, that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous place, Juliet said." Everyone will deeply miss both Mercutio and Romeo.

Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2:

After the party ended we caught Romeo trying to escape from us! We where shocked that he would try to leave us! Mercrutio tried to lure Romeo in by calling Rosalina's name. I convinced Mercrutio that there would be no point in looking for Romeo he is hidden because he does not want to be found.  Mercrutio and I where very suprised to find that Romeo still had not returned from last nights party.  He was not at his fathers house either. We waited for a bit in the morning and soon enough he just showed up like nothing happend. He acted like he had such important business to attend, but to Mercrutio and I it seemed like he gave us the slip!

Monday 7 November 2011

Act 1: Benvolio

Wow what a great day! Today I started my day by trying to break up a brawl in the streets. It was between the us and the Capulets. It only lead to me getting in a little tilt with a Capuet named Tybat. The fight was then ended by the Prince threatening anyone who continued to fight will be punished with their lives. I then proceeded to meet with Lady Montague and Montague. They spoke of Romeo's sadness and asked me to seek it out. I met with romeo and he told me of how he loves this girl but she doesnt love him back. I tried to convince Romeo that there is more girls out there than just her. And to try and keep his mind of her. Peter invited Romeo and I to his masters house, where I convinced Romeo that standing next to the most beautiful girls in Verona the girl ghe loves so much will look ugly. Romeo and I snuck into the party disguised as maskers. I told Romeo as we were going in I hope your night goes better tham your morning. <3